Sunday, July 22, 2012

My Time Machine

      It's hard in this crazy, fast-paced life to take time and reflect on other people's lifestyles and cultures. We are constantly changing and developing as a nation and America even ten years ago was a significantly different place. If I was givin the opportunity to go back in time and I could go anywhere, I would go to West Berlin in March of 1949. This was an extremely chaotic yet interesting time in European history.
          Going back a little to better understand the terms leading up to this exilerating period, in 1948, the United States, Great Britain, and France had all agreed to reunify their divisions of Germany making it a stronger nation. The Soviet Union was furious with the UN for allowing reunification and in response, Stalin decided to hold West Berlin hostage. He believed that by cutting off all highway, food, and water traffic from West Berlin, the Western nations would be forced to either give up the reunification of Germany idea, or surrender their part of Berlin. This seemed to be an extremely bleak time in history, but stepping in and acting as their knight in shining armour the United States and Great Britain started the Berlin Airlift. This was their attempt at breaking the blockade and saving these people, although the Soviets did not let down. America and Britain flew planes into Berlin landing every few minutes with food, water, fuel, medicine, supplies and even Christmas presents. This airlift, to me, sounds pretty exciting. Running outside to the sound of planes flying in bringing supplies and even little surprises or gifts. I think it would be incredible to experience this event, but that is not the main reason I chose this period.  

Berlin, in this time was a very hostile environment since it was so controversial. The main reason I would go back to this time, would be to witness the Berlin Wall falling in November of 1989. The elation and happiness of everyone would be incredible. People finally felt free and safe for the first time in their life. There was celebration for weeks on end and the whole mood of the city completely changed. 
So Although at the beginning, around 1949 when the city was still being held hostage, it may not have been a very glorious or fun time in history but it was an extremely important part of Germany's history and the reunification in 1989 would be all worth it. 

1 comment:

  1. Seeing the wall fall would be amazing i went to see part of it in DC and it was alazing i dont know about 1949 but i understand where your comming from
